
KMCO create the first Network Mapping & Record-Keeping App for the Telecoms Industry

MapAll can digitally log the exact route and status of any telecommunications cable and fibre optic joint with the click of a button to create infrastructure maps for network operators.


KMCO open a new training school in Kent

KMCO Group opened its new training school in Gillingham, Kent. A fully equipped centre for training engineers in fibre optic splicing, copper jointing & all testing requirements. With the ever-increasing requirement for high speed broadband and each carrier upgrading their networks to handle this demand, we believe it was the perfect time to be able to train our own engineers using best practice process & procedures.

KMCO Group looks forward to welcoming new engineers into this Industry.


KMCO Group fleet now move into the 60's

KMCO Group purchased it’s 60th vehicle from Renault Watford.

It’s been a great year of growth for KMCO Group and we’re delighted with our team’s success. Transport in today’s world is becoming more difficult, especially running a fleet of vans in the London area. All KMCO Group vehicles have the latest tracker technology fitted so we can try to enhance fuel efficiency. KMCO are very aware of our environmental and carbon footprint and are always looking for better ways to deliver our services.


Release of 'CORAS' KMCO Group database

After 1 year in devolvement, KMCO group release their new “CORAS” database for use across our whole business. This now gives our engineers live access to all the ongoing work orders and ability to update orders in real-time. Our clients will receive better, more informed and faster updates about ongoing works.

With our engineers now having full access to all safety policies, processes and procedures with the touch of a button this should increase safety across the entire company.

For companies working within the telecommunication service industry updating the client on a real-time basis has always been a hard thing to master but we believe this now places KMCO Group one step ahead of their competitors.